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Wednesday July 22, 5:20pm.
SQL is from Mars, Objects are from Venus.
This talk is for software developers who know SQL but are stuck trying to implement common object-oriented structures in an SQL database. Mimicking polymorphism, extensibility, and hierarchical data in the relational database paradigm can be confusing and awkward, but they don’t have to be.
- Polymorphism: Suppose your blog supports comments, but then your comments need to reference multiple types of content, for example news, blog articles, and videos. What then?
- Extensibility: We’ve all designed customizable software, allowing customers to extend a data model with new data attributes. See how to design flexible systems, while using efficient SQL queries.
- Hierarchies: Tree-structured data relationships are common, but working with trees in SQL usually implies recursive queries. There are a few solutions to solve this more cleanly.
- ActiveRecord Dos and Don’ts: Web development frameworks have popularized the use of design patterns, but when it comes to multi-table queries, complex views, and assignment of OO responsibilities, ActiveRecord falls short as a one-size-fits-all Domain Model.
Wednesday July 22, 7:00pm
Gather with published and upcoming authors of programming books from the industry favorite publisher, Pragmatic Bookshelf. Join this informal chat about programming, writing books, job hunting, and career development.
- Author introductions, books, OSCON presentations.
- Experiences working with a publisher.
- How does authoring a book aid a tech career?
- What tech books would you like to see?
Pragmatic Bookshelf authors attending OSCON include:
- Ian Dees is presenting “Testing iPhone Apps with Ruby and Cucumber” at OSCON (Wednesday 10:45am). Ian authored the book “Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby.”
- Bill Karwin is presenting “Practical Object-Oriented Models in SQL” at OSCON (Wednesday 5:20pm). Bill is currently writing a book “SQL Antipatterns.”
- Other Prag authors are attending OSCON, and plan to be at this BoF.